Top tips - teething

Unknown // Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Copyright Jon Bragg 2007 Creative Commons

Teething is up there with colic for heart rending distress for you and little one. Not least because it can screw up all that great night time sleeping that they were suddenly getting very good at!!

There are a load of things you can try to ease the pain from teething gels and homeopathic powders to a lots of different teethers and even amber beads!

 But different things work for different people and the same thing won't work all the time so plump for 4 or 5 that you have ready in your repertoire and can offer without any hassle if the first thing you offer doesn't work.  

You can download, edit, print and scribble on this free Mums Make Lists list of top tips for teething babies but in quick summary, just some of the things you can try are:

Teething Tips

  1. Teething powder / granules
  2. Teething gel
  3. Baby paracetamol / acetaminophen 
  4. Baby ibuprofen 
  5. Soft chewy teether
  6. Hard teether
  7. Sophie the Giraffe
  8. Teething rings for freezer
  9. Chewable teether tooth brush
  10. Teething soothers / dummies
  11. Amber necklaces / bracelets
  12. Pressing on gums
  13. Cleaning gums with tooth brush and cooled boiled water
  14. Muslin cloth cooled in freezer to chew on 
  15. Dummy / soother cooled in freezer
  16. Ice cubes in a mesh feeder
  17. Hard finger food e.g. carrot, crust
  18. Cold finger food e.g. cucumber, apple
  19. Small drink of water or diluted juice with ice cube in bottle
  20. Cool easy to digest food e.g. yoghurt, mostly melted icecream
  21. Avoid rusks because most if not all brands include sugar
  22. Drooling bibs to try and keep clothes vaguely dry

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Teething Links