I better start with a confession - littl'un first got cradle cap at about 6 months and at 2 and a half still has it quite badly!
After trying a few well known shampoos that didn't work for us we just left it, as it didn't show under her hair and lots of people said it would just go. It hasn't - and it does seem that it hangs around through early childhood for a fair number of kids - and looks pretty nasty now she has her hair in bunches.
So this list of top tips on how to get rid of cradle cap is recently compiled from friends, family, a lot of googling and some conversations with the chemist and we're going to start working our way through it from this week to see what is best for us. (Have to say not looking forward to it as hair washing and brushing are regarded as gross human rights abuses in our house!!).
You can download and print the full list of cradle cap tips but there is also a summary below to which you can also add your favourites ...:
Top Tips to Cure Cradle Cap
***NB one note of warning - cradle cap typically characterised by yellow patches of crusty skin, if it inflamed, oozy or itchy or appears anywhere but scalp is probably something else and you should see your GP.s
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