Oh my, oh my did we suffer from colic - heart rending screams from about 4 weeks for 3 or 4 hours every evening!
The good news is in almost all cases it suddenly vanishes around 12 weeks*, but, as time seems to turn at a completely different speed for new mothers, 8 weeks can seem an awful long time.
The good news is in almost all cases it suddenly vanishes around 12 weeks*, but, as time seems to turn at a completely different speed for new mothers, 8 weeks can seem an awful long time.
When it struck, I spent far too much time - in between total despair - googling for tips and guidance.
It would have been really helpful to have a totally comprehensive list all in one place - so hopefully that's what this post does.
You can't possibly try everything on the list and if you do you'll turn into a obsessed nutter - I was that mummy! - and the poor little one will get an uber over dose of "mad mummy" hormones.
With the fabulous gift of hindsight, I think the trick is to pick a few tips from each area that you can reasonably accommodate within the chaos of a new born e.g. changing your diet, baby's routine, calming tactics and stick with these. Jumping around from one thing to another won't work - any change to your diet or anti-colic treatments need at least 3 days to see real effect.
It would have been really helpful to have a totally comprehensive list all in one place - so hopefully that's what this post does.
You can't possibly try everything on the list and if you do you'll turn into a obsessed nutter - I was that mummy! - and the poor little one will get an uber over dose of "mad mummy" hormones.
With the fabulous gift of hindsight, I think the trick is to pick a few tips from each area that you can reasonably accommodate within the chaos of a new born e.g. changing your diet, baby's routine, calming tactics and stick with these. Jumping around from one thing to another won't work - any change to your diet or anti-colic treatments need at least 3 days to see real effect.
The most important tip of all is not to beat yourself up about it - over 20% of babies have bad colic. Seeing your baby cry in pain for 3 hours at a time is horrible and exhausting and so do ask for help and get someone else to look after baby for at least some time during the colic attack so you get some time out.
You can download and edit this full printable list of tips for managing colic but there's also a quick summary of all the tips below ... and if you've got great tips of your own you can add them to this list ...:
You can download and edit this full printable list of tips for managing colic but there's also a quick summary of all the tips below ... and if you've got great tips of your own you can add them to this list ...:
Quick Tips to Reduce Colic
If baby cries for more than 4 hours a day or if other symptoms don't fit classic colic see your doctor or health visitor.
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