12 Gorgeously Grown Up Cakes

Unknown // Monday, 22 April 2013

Most of my baking these days is 3 year old friendly.

Muffins, fairy cakes and chocolate cakes plus grandma's secret shortbread recipe have taken over the kitchen.

So I'm looking forward to a child free - they WILL be in bed, asleep! - supper party with friends to enjoy for dessert something just a bit more ... well, grown up!

Haven't decided what to make yet but contemplating some of these gorgeously grown up cakes...

1. Orange Olive Oil Cake from The Alchemist

A really orangey orange cake with a fabulously grown up glaze.

2. Tia Maria and mascarpone layer cake from Baking Aitch

Layers and layers stuffed with mascarpone and cream and topped with a Tia Maria syrup - nothing childish about that!

3. Pineapple spring cake from Mommys Pinkie Lip Gloss

Strawberry cake with creamy pineapple icing ... yummy!

4. Tropical slush cake from Northern Cottage

Another pineapple cake, this time with the juices smothered over the cake and then topped with cream and toasted coconut flakes ...

5. Glazed carrot cake from Cup Cakes and Crinolines

I know children like carrot cake - and it's a very handy way of sneaking in some veg - but child friendly carrot cakes in our house mean NO nuts and NO "bits" and not my favourite icing, so like the idea of making a really grown up carrot cake.  

I love this one from Cup Cakes and Crinolines which has a lovely cream cheese glaze ...

6. Moist carrot cake from I Dig Pinterest

... and this one from I Dig Pinterest which is full of spices and has got nuts on ...

7. Honey bee cake with caramel drizzle from Yesterfood

A buttermilk and honey cake that looks quite plain until guests top it with exactly the amount of caramel drizzle and toasted almonds that they want ...

8. Idiot proofed lemon cake from the Chicken Chick

A really lemony, really rich 4 egg cake - couldn't be anything else from the Chicken Chick - that is nice and zesty. This being a good thing in my book, but a bad thing in my daughter's, hence immediate qualification as a grown up cake!

9. Shoo Fly Cake from Yesterfood - 

A wonderfully old fashioned gingerbread cake - full of molasses and flavoured with coffee - complete with shortbread topping ...

10. Fruit tea cake from Pary Moppins

My daughter loves big celebratory fruit cakes covered in icing - she eats the icing and gives me the fruit cake. So she wouldn't like this lovely icing free fruit cake from Party Moppins - which is good because it means all the more for mummy!

11. Cinnamon Texas sheet cake from Five Little Chefs

    A cinnamony chocolate cake which is almost really a brownie and therefore completely child friendly but I've included it because at a recent big dinner, we finished off with the most beautiful expressos and can just-fit-it-in size squares of a very similar cake ...

    11. Key lime sheet cake from Diana Rambles

    I thought this lime sheet cake from Diana Rambles could work in a similar way - just a bite with coffee at the end of the meal - but in the summer when something lighter and fruitier would be more perfect ...

    Would love to hear about you favourite gorgeously grown up cakes, do link them up below ...

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