Conquer Mess and Get Tidy!

Unknown // Tuesday, 30 April 2013

OK confession time.

I'm very good at lists. I'm pretty good at organising. And I've finally got a great daily routine.

But ... I am so, so, seriously, seriously messy.

Since I was a child, a little trail of mess has followed me around the house as I either:

1. Try to defy laws of universe and do a zillion things at once or

2. Vanish into a book or my laptop and ignore bombsite around me

I could blame dodgy genes or being a Sagittarius - can any other messy Sagittarians back me up on this? - but when push comes to shove it's just bad habits I've never bothered to conquer.

And now I've got to the point where these bad habits are driving me insane. With a child in the house, the mess has multiplied beyond belief and I spend far too much of my life tidying up.

So I am a mum on a mission to change my own bad habits and I need your help, please!

I've started a list of tips for conquering mess and would love for you to add yours to the list in the link up below. It will only take a moment but boy will it help me!

Just put your tip in the Name field (100 characters) and the URL for a social media account (or your blog) in the URL field. Unfortuntely, InLinkz will only let you enter each URL once but feel free to link multiple accounts, (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest), if you've got lots of tips.

I'll tweet my faves, so hopefully I can bring you new followers in exchange for your advice.

Top Tips to Conquer Mess & Get Tidy

Follow Me on Pinterest

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