Thursday, April 25th - Luke's Spring Program

Unknown // Friday, 26 April 2013

I don't want to jinx anything, but Griffin has slept for 6 and then 3 hour stretches for the last TWO nights!  I fed her Wednesday night at 7:30 and she didn't wake up again until 1:30.  Then she slept again from 2:15 - 5:30.  The best part??? Dave got the boys ready for school and Lisa's house and I got to sleep until 8:30! GLORIOUS!  Griffin took her morning nap in the mamaroo - she LOVES it!

Griffin and I had to run a couple of errands, one of which was surprising Gibi at work with a Chai Tea Latte for her birthday!

After errands, Rachel and her boys stopped by for a bit and then it was nap time again.  Homegirl rocked a cute headband with her jammies. Duh!

Rachel brought super cute PINK mini cupcakes and since they were mini I figured I could have two, right???

 Griffin and I dressed and ready to go to Luke's Spring Music Program: 

Before we left for school, I wanted to take a quick picture of Luke.  I told him to stand still and smile nicely and this is what I got...

Finally!!!  (and look how tall he is!!!)

and back to his silly self :)

Griffin came to the program with us:

... Luke wanted to fix her bow :)

Luke waiting with his class, Griffin chillin' during the performance and PreK and Kindergarten getting ready to perform:

Waiting to perform is exhausting:

They also had some spring art on display and Luke was proud to show off his butterfly:

Haha came straight from the golf course to watch Luke-Man perform:

Luke-man is my big helper/manual labor.  He LOVES to push the stroller and I LOVE to let him...

And here's a video of his performance:

Can't believe that the Spring Program has already come and gone!  Didn't I JUST do a post on his Christmas program??? Time is going WAY too fast.