Griffin - Day One (pictures from my "real" camera)

Unknown // Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Tuesday, April 17th - 10:11 a.m.
Griffin Joy is HERE!!!

Uncle Mark came to visit Miss Griffin in the afternoon...

She had to wait a while for her bath, but around lunch time it was her turn!

NOT a fan :)

Spectators :)

Around 4:30 things got SUPER busy.  Griffin got back from the nursery, the boys arrived and we had LOTS of visitors (Jonathan, Tori and Lilly, Pam, Charles and Dave's Grandma). 

Mason meeting Griffin for the first time...

I look like a crazy person, but Mason's expression cracks me up :)

Griffin brought each of the boys a present to open...

Mason got a GIANT monkey...

... and Luke got a Lego dumptruck he's been talking about for MONTHS!

Lilly and Griffin:

The boys ate some cookies and then headed home with Dave.  Their visit was short and sweet :)

Dave came back later that night and we changed Griffin into the CUTEST pjs EVER!!! :)
Dave headed home to be with the boys (get them ready for school, etc.) and mom came up to spend the night with me in the hospital.