Empty Your Archive Party #4

Unknown // Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Welcome to Empty Your Archive - your chance to dust off and link up your great old posts.

Last Week's Party

A big thank you to everyone who partied last week - there were so many brilliant posts ...

A few that caught my eye were  ...


I am delighted to share the first two round-ups from previous parties: How to Master the Laundry Before it Masters You and the first installment of the big cake round-up, 10 Scrumptious Chocolate Cakes with a Twist.  Thank you so much for all your contributions.

This Week's Party

This week our fives themes are:
  • Housework routines - any routines you follow or try to follow to keep the house running smoothly or at least stop it from descending into complete chaos ... plus tips on how to stick to a routine and angst about what happens if you don't 
  • Pasta - all your favourite pasta recipes
  • Behaviour - all your ideas for encouraging positive behaviour in your children and experiences of struggling with challenging behaviour
  • Science - science experiments of all sorts for all ages
  • Twitter - what you enjoy most about Twitter and how you use it to support and grow your blog
There is a separate link up for each theme.

And remember you can still link up to previous week's themes:

Apart from the weekly themes, there are no rules to the party -  I would love it if you linked up with the button below and followed me but that's totally up to you ...

Now let's get this party started,

Housework routines



