Christmas bulbs instalment 3 ...

Unknown // Friday, 23 November 2012

Hadn't realised quite what a saga planting bulbs and making plant pots for Christmas presents would be when we started them two weeks ago.  It's not that any of the stages have taken very long there's just been lots of stages - buying bulbs, planting them, paper macheing pots and now painting them.

We put the first coat of paint on the outside yesterday and if we don't dilly dally dawdle the whole morning away will get another coat of paint and the insides done today.  Forgot to get varnish in the craft shop yesterday so will have to finish the varnishing off next week.

The bulbs have been outside for two weeks but the man at the garden centre said to make sure plenty of strong looking shoots peeping through the soil before bringing them in so we're going to leave them out for another week.  And then fingers crossed they'll all be ready and just coming into bud for Christmas.  Fingers crossed.  And toes :-)

If we get some time next week we're going to try and make these fab papier mache baubles from Life at the Zoo from which are just scrunched up paper covered in papier mache.