Exciting mummies?

Unknown // Monday, 26 November 2012

Sonya Cisco blogged a post on Saturday about fantasy parents that really tickled my fancy. The idea wasn't that you were in any way dissatisfied with your own parents - mine are truly amazing - but that if you could have celebrity parents who would you pick?

A whole bunch of famous men who would make fabulous fathers came to mind - assuming I am allowed to tweak the rules slightly to include imaginary and long since dead! - including at the top of my list:

Dr Who
Although with the conditions that I get to be a fully fledged Time Lord and I am allowed to exclude some of the incarnations of the Dr on whom I am less than keen

Caractacus Potts
Complete of course with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as the family car

Walter Bishop 
Will mean nothing if you're not a Fringe fan but basically another wonderfully mad scientist type

Thomas Cromwell (as imagined by Hillary Mantel)
Not everyone's cup of tea but one of my big heroes from history

Robin Hood
I'd actually be pretty rubbish in a cold wet forest & am not convinced I could master archery but as this is fantasy I'm going to ignore those slight inconveniences.

I then have to confess I came to a bit of mental block with mums.  I did think of Mrs Weasley - as in Ron's mum - on the basis that despite being a bit bonkers she:

1. Serves great grub
2. Gives big hugs
3. Is pretty nifty with a wand when the chips are down

And I do think she's a good choice but something about it niggled me.  And about all the other mums that I came up with.  And the problem was that they were all SAHM and - Mrs Weasley's wand work apart - not one of them promised even the slightest bit of excitement and adventure never mind completely overthrowing the established order or the space-time continuum before breakfast!

It's not that the food and the warmth and the comfort and the cuddles aren't important - of course they are - it's just that I wanted to come up with an amazing inspirational woman who would be the gateway to a whole other world of my imagination to be my mum and I couldn't think of one.

Can you help?