I have come to the conclusion that the one fundamental law of motherhood is that as soon as you allow yourself to think that you have something sorted, it will all go horribly wrong. You don't even have to say it out loud. You just need to indulge in one teeny tiny moment of sanctimonious smugness about your superior mothering skills and then bang! It collapses around your ears.
Two months ago I blogged all "miss know it all" about settling in childcare, which was inevitably followed by littl'un becoming very unsettled at nursery. She has had phases of being upset in the mornings before that I've put down to moving up from the baby room, potty training and a change in key worker but this time I am rather at a loss.
The little girl who used to march happily into nursery with a "see you later alligator, in a while crocodile" now has a complete melt down every morning when she gets to nursery with a combination of complete tantrums and panic. She seems to be reasonably happy during the day but then has another complete meltdown at home time. In the morning she screams that she doesn't want to come to nursery and in the evening she screams that she doesn't want to come home and that she wants to sleep at nursery in the book corner!
It's been going on for about a month now and is getting more and more distressing for both of us. It's pretty hard to keep your cool when you literally have to chase your child around the room to get her to go home in the evening!
I've talked about it with nursery and we're trying various things but as I say we're really at a loss - she certainly has tantrums at times outside nursery and like all 2 year olds can winge for Britain but is generally pretty flexible and takes lots of different situations very confidently in her stride. So this is a heart felt plea for advice for anyone who has gone through anything similar. Did you get to the bottom of what triggered it and did you find anyway of helping your child cope?
Smug mummy warning!
Unknown // Thursday, 8 November 2012