Paper mache pots for Christmas bulbs

Unknown // Saturday, 17 November 2012

We planted some bulbs - daffs, crocus and snowdrops - last week, that we are are hoping will be ready in time for Christmas so we can give them as gifts.  This week we started some paper mache pots to put the bulbs in.

I haven't made paper mache since I was about 10 so couldn't really remember what to do.  From some quick googling it seems to boil down to:

  • glue made of 1 cup of water to 1 cup of flour
  • strips of newspaper about 1 inch wide
  • strips of plain paper for the last layer as the newsprint won't take the paint.

I thought it would be a nice simple activity for littl'un - she's almost 3- to join in.  She really liked making the glue which she decided looked like milk - she got her cow mask and started making up stories about cows - but got very quickly bored with putting the strips on and left me to it.

Not really sure whether these are going to work but the idea is to paint them next week.  We're completely out of paint so we'll need to hit our fabulous cheap as chips craft shop in Brixton for some more supplies.