Making Christmas pom poms ...

Unknown // Friday, 23 November 2012

I was in the Brownies the last time I tried any knitting and as I only managed to finish half a mitten for my newborn cousin I never did get my knitting badge.  Never having been a knitter I don't have wool in the house but having seen some lovely examples of Christmas pom poms I was really keen to give them a go.

Luckily Grandma has taken up knitting since littl'un was born so we managed to scavenge some really pretty pink, blue and orange wool.  I had memories of enjoying making pom poms as a child but as with the papier mache in a previous post couldn't remember at all how to make them but with a bit of help from Google and Grandma came up with the instructions below.

The first one was a bit of a disaster but grandma made the next one was very sweet.  It was never going to be an activity that littl'un could join in with that much - she chose which colour wool and helped cut the lengths - but I like the idea of it becoming a tradition whereby we make one or two every year.  Hopefully by next year she'll be able to make her own.

They do take much longer than I remembered so ideal to do watching TV - unfortunately only thing I'm watching at the moment is the new series of The Killing which is blinking hard enough to follow as it is without trying to wind wool at the same time :-)