
Unknown // Saturday, 24 November 2012

 Mason is talking more and more every day - one of his newest and most favorite words right now is "ow-shide!"  He CONSTANTLY goes to the back door and starts shouting "OW-SHIDE!" quickly followed by, "SHOOOS???" 

It looks like both our boys are going to be lovers of the outdoors :)

The pictures are blurry because, well, that's what Mason is outside - a blur.  He is on the move ALL THE TIME!

He loves all things "sports" especially those that involve a ball - soccer, football, baseball, etc.

On this particular day he also spent a lot of time in the sandbox with his brother :)
When Haha built this sandbox for Luke's second birthday none of us imagined that it would get this much use.  It is literally their favorite place to be.  A sandbox expansion is being tossed around as I'm not sure three little boys are going to have enough room to "dig dig dig" out there.