I then came across this lovely idea from The Fairy and the Frog to create a nativity story box. Our's was thrown together at some silly hour on Friday evening with what I could find - my sister's old doll's cot as crib, a doll wrapped in a sheet as baby Jesus, my old rag doll with a blue scarf as Mary, an incense stick, gold thread, assorted soft toys, farm animals and lego and a simple retelling of the Nativity we were given last year.
On Saturday morning, Littl'un was delighted by her Advent calendar and simply loved the story box. She insisted on being read the story four or five times and brought over lots of her own toys as "gifts" for baby Jesus. She then composed a new song - "The Angels! The Angels! The Angels! The Angels! The Angels! (you get the jist ...) - which we all had to jump around the sitting room and sing.
The story fed her imagination all day and at bed time I was told that we couldn't possibly put the toys (or a pile of ripped up bubble wrap) away because these were baby Jesus' presents, to which I am afraid Mummy did retort "Even baby Jesus has to tidy up his toys!".