Luke's Christmas Program

Unknown // Saturday, 29 December 2012

The Thursday before Christmas Luke performed with his Pre-K class at MCA's Christmas Program. 
Gibi came over and watched Mason so Dave and I could enjoy the program (can I get an amen from anyone who has ever had a 20-month old boy?!?!) and we took a quick picture before we headed out the door:
Luke met with his class and then we didn't see him again until he walked on stage with the rest of the Pre-K and Kindergarten students to perform.  They sang two songs about bells... I honestly don't remember and Luke's asleep so I can't ask him.  OOOPS! :)  Here's our little man walking onto the stage...

And here he is during his performance (DANG poinsettia!)
 Mom of the year forgot to charge her camera, so these are the only pictures I have.  I'm hoping that after break one of the journalism students will have some pictures I can steal :)  He did SUCH a great job, looked SOOOOOOOOOOOO adorable and we couldn't be more proud!