Memories of a Christmas Past ...

Unknown // Monday, 3 December 2012

"I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach." Charles Dickens - Christmas Carol

In addition to Mums Make Lists I have also started a family history blog We Came From.  The big idea is to try and bring the history of my family to life through an exploration of the places that they lived but the blog has been a bit very neglected in the last month whilst we've been busy with all sorts of home made Christmas activities.

Going to my mum's for Stir-up Sunday where we made mincemeat from my Gran's old Radiation Cookery Book - a best seller in the 30s - gave me the thought that it would be possible to combine the two blogs a little during the Advent period with some posts about stories and traditions that capture some of the spirit of my family's Christmas past.

I found physical traces of that past - like my Gran's cookbook - all around my parents house but I also took the time, which I don't think I'd ever done before, to ask my parents about their earliest memories of Christmas and I love the idea of writing down these memories to ensure they are passed on to my daughter and the next generation of the family.

For an extended version of this post and to share your family's memories of Christmas past please visit We Came From.