Yesterday, along with half the rest of south east London's under 5s, we hit the fabulous
Horniman Museum to see Santa in his grotto. It's a fairly simple affair compared with many. No reindeers, no rides, just a shed in the museum's gardens complete with two elves and a not too dubious Santa who gives out lovely animal hand puppets from the museum's collection and carols round the band stand at the end of the afternoon.
From frequent re-watching of the Christmas episodes of Peppa and Charlie and Lola, littl'un knew just what was required and had "written" Santa a letter complete with it's own special envelope, which she carried ever so carefully in her best hand bag on the two buses it took us to get there. Unfortunately, close scrutiny of Peppa had not prepared her for that great British tradition the Christmas queue!
Too be honest it was only 15 minutes and we did have the most stunning view of London from Sydenham Hill but it was cold! So after meeting Santa we hurried into the museum for cake and a whizz around the aquarium which is small but - in reality - is even more exciting than Santa when you're two years old!
Despite the cold and the dark, littl'un was adamant we stayed for the carols. She raucously joined in Rudolf, Jingle Bells and Away in a Manager - although, she does only know the first four words of the latter and shouted these on loop throughout the whole song above the more dulcet tones of our neighbours :-)