50 Fun Things to Do Outdoors for Free

Unknown // Thursday, 4 April 2013

We were very lucky as children.

We lived on the edge of a small town with fields just over the road and some amazing forest just a few miles away.

There were lots of children on the street and we all played out together - the older ones looking after the littlies - everyday, unless it was pouring down and we were made to stay in.

We spent many happy hours by ourselves or with our parents in the forest just playing with what was there.

I've been trying to remember all the things we enjoyed and came up with this list ...

Fun Things to Do Outdoors for Free

  1. Balance on a log
  2. Climb a tree
  3. Play hide and seek
  4. Follow animal tracks
  5. Pick blackberries
  6. Pick crab apples
  7. Pick elderberries
  8. "Spot" birds
  9. Paddle in a stream
  10. Collect leaves
  11. Make a camp fire
  12. Camp out
  13. Dig for treasure
  14. Collect conkers
  15. Play conkers
  16. Plant a tree
  17. Collect acorns
  18. Dam a stream
  19. Make a bridge over a stream
  20. Climb a hill
  21. Explore a cave
  22. Walk through a waterfall
  23. Collect bugs
  24. Toast marsmallows
  25. Toast "dampers" (like the Duchess of Cambridge)
  26. Fish in a stream
  27. Explore mole hills
  28. Listen for owls
  29. Look at the stars
  30. Splash in puddles
  31. Dig in mud
  32. Collect stones
  33. Collect shells
  34. Make your own tent
  35. Find a walking stick
  36. Pick holly for Christmas
  37. Collect pine cones for "barometers"
  38. Climb rocks
  39. Play Pooh sticks
  40. Sail paper boats
  41. Make a kite from paper, string and sticks
  42. Crawl through long grass
  43. Listen to bird song
  44. Identify flowers
  45. Explore rock pools
  46. Bark rubbings
  47. Build a den from sticks and bracken leaves
  48. Build a raft
  49. Leaf "fight"
  50. Collect tadpoles
It's nigh impossible to recreate that experience in a busy south London street but we do have a wonderful park close by in which we can at least do some of this.

And once spring finally gets here - can't believe it is snowing again! - we can hop on the train to get to the woods and the sea. It's not quite the freedom that we had, but these are some of my fondest memories of childhood and I would so love to share that legacy.

What about you? What are your favourite memories of playing outdoors as a child and what do your children most enjoy?

And if you've got some great outdoor play posts hiding in your archive do link them up below.

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