I would love to say that I never ever have burnt pan bottoms.
But I do. Frequently!
I try to do a million other things whilst making cheese sauce or custard. And I forget to check whether things I am slow cooking in the Le Creuset need more liquid.
The sorry result is horribly, horribly, horribly black pans!
I would also love to say I always paid attention to the housewifery advice my mum gave me when I was younger.
Again unfortunately, complete failure.
So on those ... not infrequent ... occasions I burn the pan bottom, I spend an age scrubbing and scraping away at the damage and cursing my ineptitude.
At least I did until a while back my mum witnessing me scrubbing away, gave me one of those "are you completely crazy" stares in which all mothers are masters and said:
"You do know that if you put some water and washing liquid in it and heat it up on the stove, it will come off by itself without scrubbing, don't you?"
Err what? Hello?
I am standing here scrubbing away like a complete idiot! Do I look like I knew?!!
But of course, my mum is absolutely right.
The thickest layer of burnt black stuff that will not respond to scrubbing, will just float off in great big flakes with gently boiling water and washing liquid. And if it's an oven dish that has got burnt you can just pop it back on a really gentle heat in the oven.
Occasionally, you might need to do it twice if there are really thick layers of burn but it will still all come away with just the gentlest rub in minutes.
Hurrah for my mum! Hurrah for whoever invented dish washing liquid!
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