Pinterest is your best friend if you seriously want to grow your blog.
Since, I started blogging in earnest at Christmas, my blog grew rapidly but plateaued at the beginning of the summer .
After looking at my Google Analytics stats I decided to get better at Pinterest.
And boy has it worked!
In 2 months I doubled my Pinterest followers ...
AND doubled my unique visitors ...
AND doubled my page views ... from 40k+ a month to 80k+ a month ...
AND (according to Alexa) moved into the top 25,000 sites in the USA ... not bad for a Brit!
Another look at Google Analytics showed that Pinterest drove most of this increase.
So how did I do it?
Well, there are all sorts of tips & tricks out there for mastering Pinterest but the four that worked for me over the summer were ...
Four Top Pinterest Tricks
1. Pin great images - your own & other peoples
2. Pin little and often
3. Follow people who pin what you pin
4. Use link parties to get pinned
... if you're looking for more tips check out at the bottom of this post the brilliant links from other bloggers, which were all shared at my weekly Empty Your Archive link party ...
... and if you've got your own Pinterest posts do share them ...
1. Pin Great Images
So what is a great Pinterest image? It's ...
- Taller than it is wide
- At least 736 pixels wide
- Bright & well focused
- Got a stand-out, "read-me" title (most of the time)
- Of enduring content ... tips, recipes etc are enduring, your weekend isn't
Your images must tick these boxes. AND the images you pin must tick these boxes.
2. Pin Little & Often
Whenever you've 30 seconds free, pin 3 great images from your Pinterest stream.
To get more pinnable stuff in your Pinterest stream, follow more boards.
Don't just follow the boards of other bloggers you know well!
Do follow the boards with plenty of pins on topics you blog on.
And don't pin loads on the same subject in one go because what you want more than anything is for your pins to be re-pinned and if you pin 20 versions of the same thing it won't be.
But why, you ask, should you care about other people's content being re-pinned?
You should, because that's how people will find you ...
3. Follow People Who Pin What You Pin
Now this bit is important - so listen up!
When you pin something, a pop-up will show you another board onto which it has been pinned, along with a great big Follow button.
Click that button! Every time! It will put more great images in your stream for you to pin.
And guess what?
When your boards appear in that pop up because you've been pinning great images, other people will click that button and follow you. Ta da!
So the more you pin great stuff, the more your boards will appear in that pop up and the more you will be followed.
And the more followers you have the more people will pin your posts.
And more pins of your posts means more page views!
4. Use Link Parties To Get Pinned
There are loads of link parties - you can find hundreds of them organised by day, time & topic in my fabulous new Link Party Calendar ...
Just one pin from a party host or party goer with lots of followers could send your post viral.
So do a bit of homework on the party and find out whether the hosts ...
- Have many Pinterest followers?
- Pin very often? (A few big bloggers have lots of followers but don't pin much or primarily pin their own stuff)
- Pin great images (If they're not pinning great stuff they may not have very active followers)
Then make sure you get to that party as early as you can and ...
- Link up a great image
- Put a "read me" title in the Name field, NOT the name of your blog
Now sit back and watch those pins AND those page views fly!
If you want to grow your blog, do give these simple tips a whirl - they really worked for me!
Follow Me on Pinterest!
And if you want more great blogging tips do follow my Blogging board on Pinterest ....