How do you do it?!?!

Unknown // Friday, 25 October 2013

The question/comment I get most often is "how do you do it all???" or "How do you get more hours in your day than anyone else?" or "I don't know how you do it."  The one that makes me laugh the hardest is #supermom :)

Well, here's a truth for y'all - I don't.  My house gets messy, my kids sometimes eat spaghetti-ohs for dinner and there is pretty much always a pile of laundry waiting to be put away.  There are e-mails I miss (sorry if you're someone who slipped through the cracks! Hit resend!!!), Saturdays I rarely get out of my jammies and we are definitely not doing a craft over here every day. :)   Occasionally I give out completion grades, I don't get to read as much as I'd like and I go to bed way too late. 

I do work full time and I do love to bake and do crafts and all of that so I post pictures of it and I don't want anyone to ever have the impression that behind the scenes everything is perfection.  I think that, especially among moms, there's a BIG comparison problem. I try to keep it real on my FB and IG (there's often clutter in the background of my pics and my boys aren't ALWAYS smiling), and yes, I do accomplish a lot (I like to be busy!), but by no stretch of the imagination am I super mom. 

I obviously appreciate the compliments and sweet comments, but would hate for anyone to feel inadequate about themselves as a mom (working outside of the home or not) based on a picture of homemade oatmeal cream pies on my Instagram.  hahaha.

If my pictures somehow encourage you to make a fun dessert for your kids or craft something fun - GREAT!  If they make you feel like you haven't accomplished anything (or enough!) in your day - just picture my closet... which is probably a huge mess :) 

Several years ago I read (and then reread later), Beth Moore's "So Long Insecurity" and one of my favorite quotes is this...

“We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.” 
― Beth MooreSo Long, Insecurity: You've Been A Bad Friend To Us

Here's the truth that I try to let scream into my soul when I'm feeling inadequate, less than or not enough...