Tweet, tweet, tweet!
Twitter has to be the easiest social media networks to use.
But if you're not already registered or only using it a tiny bit, it can seem a bit over whelming ... Who on earth should I follow? Why on earth should I use it? How do I make it work for me?
Never fear.
In this post I'm sharing my lists of over 750 bloggers that you can easily follow.
PLUS ten top tips for making Twitter work for you.
PLUS great reasons why it's worth adding to your social media mix.
PLUS links to more great Twitter tips from other bloggers ...
AND you can easily add yourself to my Twitter lists!
So Why Use Twitter?
You don't have to worry about making images "pinnable".
Or that no one is seeing your posts because your EdgeRank is so lousy.
Or quite what on earth you're meant to do with Circles and Hangouts and goodness only know what else features!
You just tweet, tweet, tweet those 140 character messages to your heart's content and generate more blog page views whilst you're at it.
But Twitter's big strength isn't extra page views ... for this Pinterest is your best friend.
Twitter's big strength is relationships. Those tiny tweets let you easily keep in touch with lots & lots of your bloggy friends and strengthen those relationships that keep people coming back for more and actually make blogging fun.
And without any of the Facebook issues about whether followers will actually see your posts!
And although all the networks let you group followers, I have found Twitter's lists by far the easiest way of divvying up my head space ... as it were ... so I can spend a few minutes here with my "foodie" hat on and another few minutes there immersed in play, parenting, crafts etc.
Who Should I Follow On Twitter?
Obviously, you should follow any bloggers you love who have a Twitter button.
But to get you started check out my Twitter Lists ...
Link Party Hosts | Food | House & Home |
Parenting & Play | Craft | Bump & Babies |
Plus three more which I'm growing right now ...
Healthy Living | Style | Thrift & Deals |
You can either subscribe to the list or just whizz down it and follow a load of people.
I have included a whole range of different bloggers from the big names to newbies who may not have many followers but who are much more likely to engage with you.
And if you'd like to be added to the lists just follow me on Twitter and add yourself to each of the lists you want to be on at the bottom of this post ...
10 Twitter Tips
- Do tweet links to your blog posts
- But DON'T just tweet links to your blog posts
- Make tweets to your blog posts fun, interesting, provocative in some way ... don't just say "I've got a new blog post"
- Do re-tweet tweets you love but don't just re-tweet
- It's OK to tweet the same tweet multiple times but if you repeat it too many times it will put people off
- Use the @ sign before a Twitter user name to mention someone in a tweet
- Be aware that Twitter will let you follow as many people as you like up to 2,000 but will then only let you follow more if your followers are keeping up
- There are lots of free tools e.g. Just Unfollow which shows you people who have become inactive or who aren't following you so you can unfollow people if you're up to Twitter limits
- Tools like Hoote Suite let you schedule tweets for when you're at work, asleep, getting on with your life ... and are great for reaching out to followers in different time zones
- #ff is a fun way every Friday to spread some love to your favour Tweeters - it just means follow Friday and is a list of Tweeters you recommend