Empty Your Archive #19

Unknown // Tuesday 13 August 2013

Welcome to Empty Your Archive - the link party for fab old posts!

As you may have read, my little part of London woke up under 3 feet of water last week. A good number of our wonderful local stores were wrecked and will be shut for 2 to 3 months.

The flood got me thinking about how prepared we really are for an emergency as a family and how we can protect the family from a whole range of dangers.

It also got me thinking about the meaning of faith ... our local family store owners will need enormous determination and belief that things can be better to keep going over the next few months. Real faith at the hardest of times.

So apologies if it doesn't make for the sunniest party but these thoughts have inspired quite a few of this week's themes which are ...

  • Fish & Seafood - your favourite fish and seafood recipes ...
  • Emergency Preparedness - all your posts on preparing your family for emergencies ...
  • Home Safety - your tips and advice on safety around the house ...
  • Pets - your children's pets ... of all kinds ... and how they learn to care for them
  • Kids Volunteering - all the ways in which you encourage your kids or grandkids to volunteer and support others less fortunate ...
  • Good Works Blogging - have you used your blog to support a charity or communities or families in need whether at home or abroad? ...
  • Faith in Hard Times - how you personally keep faith in the dark times ...

PLUS you can keep adding to the link-ups for Back to School, HalloweenThanksgivingChristmasValentines and Easter  ...

PLUS you can link up to all the previous themes in Mommy Archive ...

PLUS if you really want to party + can't find a theme for your posts in the  you can link up in the Lucky Dip section at  the bottom of each party ....

Faves From Last Week ...

As always so hard to pick just a few but my faves from last week were ...

Now let's Empty Our Archives and party!

Fish & Seafood

Emergency Preparedness

Home Safety


Kids Volunteering

Blogging Good Works

Faith in Hard Times




Lent & Easter


Lucky Dip