Friday Baby Shower #25

Unknown // Thursday 15 August 2013

Welcome to the Friday Baby Shower - the party for pregnancy & new baby blog posts.

You can link up all your latest pregnancy & new baby posts PLUS your posts old and new on the theme of strollers, buggies & prams ... please feel free to link up everything you've got on the subject whether tips & advice, funny stories & disasters plus product reviews ...

If you've missed previous themes you can still link up at the Mommy Archive ...

Featured Faves 

Firstly, big congrats to ...

Plus at last week's party I also loved

Thank you so much to everyone who shared ...

The Twitter List

I do like tweeting with my tweeps and I am building a list ... of course! ... of all my fave bump & baby bloggers on Twitter. If you would like to be on the list just follow me on Twitter and add your Twitter URL to the list below ...

Now let's get on with this week's party ...


Friday Baby Shower

Strollers, Buggies & Prams