Christmas Gift Tags

Unknown // Thursday 14 November 2013

Gift tags on Christmas presents are the simplest thing.

But with just the teeniest bit of thought and effort they can transform the look of a gift and the spirit in which it is received.

When we were kids my mum always made the Christmas gift tags from last year's Christmas cards and I love that frugal tradition of home made tags.

This year I've been exploring a whole load of gorgeous ideas for home made Christmas gift tags from printed linen to tea stained "vintaged" tags via photo tags, adorable little herb rings and fabulous printables.

I am not quite sure which we are going to go for yet but I am sure you will find this collection as inspiring as I have ...

... and if you're looking for more Christmas inspiration do check out all the other brilliant Christmas links from other bloggers at the bottom of this post ...

... and feel free to share your own ...

Initials from old books and glitter tags from Even Artichokes Have Hearts ...

The simplest vintage travel labels from The Party Studio ...

A little extra ageing with tea staining from Eco Salon ...

Beautiful printables from Simple As That Blog

Photo tags and initials from Thirty Hand Made Days ...

Fun paper plate Christmas trees for the kids to make from Octavia and Vicky ...

This lovely selection from Simple As That Blog were used as part of their Christmas advent book tradition ....

Rubber stamped names on the paper itself by The Haystack Needle ...

Seriously beautiful handwritten printables from Finnish blog Hey Look ...

More fabulous printables from Poppies at Play ...

Gorgeous mini wreaths gift tags from Frolic ...

Embroidered gift tags from Miniature Rhino ... the snowflakes are so pretty ...

Stamped Linen from Sewing Barefoot ...

 More stamped linen from the Crafty Cupboard ... 

And more linen tags from Kristopher K ...

Fun finger prints from Playful Learners ...

Pretty water colours that the kids can make from Artful Kids ...

Big bright initials cut from old cards and paper from Martha Stewart ...

Photo gift tags on brown paper from Fire Flies and Jelly Beans or simply cut through old photo duplicates like Peek into My Paradise ....

Tags from old cards like these from Baby Give Aways Galore are always a quick, planet friendly option ...

And if you're lucky enough to have a Silhouette or similar you can really go to town like Thinking Closet

If you're looking for more wrapping inspiration check out Wrapagami which has beautiful ideas for wrapping with fabric and Gifted Wrapping which has loads of different tutorials for beautiful wrapping ...

If you enjoyed this post do follow me on Pinterest

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