Christmas Trees

Unknown // Tuesday 19 November 2013

When buying and decorating a Christmas tree, it is easy to think that biggest is best and to cram every single branch with decorations.

Our living room is very narrow and the ceiling low ... the house is an 1860s workmen's cottage ... so a big tree is out of the question. And as our budget is tight any new decorations will be home made.

But it is possible in even the smallest house or flat to have a stunning tree with just a few decorations as the lovely ideas below show ...

... if you're looking for more Christmas inspiration do check out the brilliant Christmas links from other bloggers at the bottom of this post ... and feel free to share your own ...

Small trees can still be gorgeous like this one at Enter My Attic  ...

... and this one shared at  Desdemventana ...

... even very slim trees like this one at Ellens Album can be incredibly stylish ...

... and seriously tiny trees like these at Oh Albatross need no space and no decoration at all to look beautiful  ...

Swedish blog Lantlivinorregrd shows that a tree can look simply beautiful with just candles lights ...

... or as Du Abu shares with nothing more than old photos  ...

Even a big tree like this one at Mokkasin can look great with only a little decoration ... 

... and Enter My Attic shows just a little colour can be enough for a stunning tree  ...

... and this tree from Living Etc (shared by Finding Shibusa) shows that with bright neons even less is needed for a beautiful look ... 

Personally, I think it's hard to beat the patina and wonderful memories of many coloured decorations collected over the years as on this lovely tree from Cottage Magpie ...

... but if you want to explore more colours or themes don't feel bound by one big tree in the living room or hall ... you could have a tree in different colours anywhere in the house like this one Song Bird Blog has in the bedroom ...

... and this super cute tree Deas Og Mia has put in a child's room ...

If you do want to top up the tree with some extra decorations there are some beautiful ornaments out there that really won't break the Christmas budget including this set of 50 multi-coloured balls, this pack of 12 simple icicles and these gorgeous Italian style icicles ...

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