100+ Brilliant Bump & Baby Bloggers

Unknown // Friday, 3 May 2013

The thing about motherhood is it all goes so quick.

Right from conception I found myself stumbling around trying to make sense of this month's experiences, when before I knew it, these were way behind us and what little insight and "expertise" I may have mustered in that month was proving little help in tackling the new month's challenges.

Part of me accepts this is just motherhood.

The other parts protest.

The organised bit of me demands loudly an easy, how to from mothers who've been there & got the t-shirt.

But another quieter part, so full of regrets, just wishes that I had found voices earlier who could have helped me through the pain of losing a twin, polyhydramnios, struggling to breastfeed, going back to work early and so much more.

Just wishes that I found earlier the voices of the truly awesome mothers out there who share the joy and the pain of motherhood so wisely on their blogs.

So in the hope it can be of help to other mothers out there, I have compiled a list of 100 bloggers I follow who blog regularly on pregnancy and early motherhood.

They are a fabulously diverse bunch from around the world.

There are first time mums such as Jordy Liz and Mrs Shilts. Second time rounders or second time to bes like Morning ClementineThe Mummy Adventure, Mum To Baby Insomniac and Accidentally Kle. And mums - such as To the Moon and Back - with big broods and another on the way.

There are great organisers - Clarks CondensedThe Happy Baby Project & Not Keeping Mum are just a few of them - who have compiled lots of great new mum advice in one place.

There are product review and discount queens like Nanny to MommyTeen, Toddler, Newborn and Little Rascal Reviews.

And passionate moms such as the Tao of Poop and One Organic Mama who don't hold back with their views.

There are style divas - Sarah Hulbert and Medicated Follower of Fashion are personal faves - who are rocking fashion all the way through pregnancy.

Plus organic and health focused moms like Naturally Attached and The Grass Skirt who are trying to keep it natural.

Single moms such as Little Man Langston and Single Modern Mom doing it on their own.

Crafters like Andrea Arch and Monkey See Monkey Do producing the most gorgeous baby products.

Mums like Really Rachel who share their health challenges during and post pregnancy.

And mums like Bites for Babies and Petit Mom who have developed amazing expertise in very specific areas of motherhood.

To mums like My Joy Filled Life and Growing Slower who bring other mums together with their pregnancy and new baby link parties.

And finally, and by no means least, mums like Eeh Bah Mum who have that very special gift of making us laugh at even the hardest times.

None of them claim to have all the answers but through their experiences I find I can make so much more sense of my own.

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