Quick Tips to Conquer the Ironing

Unknown // Monday, 20 May 2013

I don't actually mind ironing.

It's quite relaxing done in front of something absorbing on the TV.

Or at least it would be, if I actually had 3 hours spare to stop and watch something absorbing on TV!

So back on planet reality, I lived in fear - like most mums I know - of the ever growing mountain of increasingly crumpled stuff in the laundry basket.

That was until I discovered the simple tips below, that really do help you conquer it - or at least get it down to about the 30 minutes or so a week which is manageable.

If you've got your own tips for conquering the laundry mountain do add them to the list ...

Conquer the Ironing

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For more great tips on managing the laundry and your house and home check out these post below and visit The Mommy Archive  ...

Super quick spring cleaningEasy routine that worksGreen cleaning essentialsMaster the laundry

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