Wonderful Wreaths

Unknown // Tuesday, 7 May 2013

I wimped out at Christmas.

I really meant to make our own wreath but I am a coward when it comes to crafts that I can't pass off as legitimately flaky "children's crafts".

The only way I'll get my courage up this year is if I start getting in some practice right now when it doesn't matter and so I'm putting myself through "Wreaths 101" ;-)

And I'm amazed at how much easier it is than I thought ...

You understand at this point that I haven't actually started making my first wreath but I have written a fab list of all the materials that make it way easier and lots of ideas how I can decorate it!

Even if you're an old hand at this, I think you'll love some of these ideas from far craftier hands than mine  ... and if you've got your own fabulous creations do link them up at the bottom of this post.

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Wreath Rings

Wreath Decoration

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Wondeful Wreaths

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