5 Random Facts About Yourself

Unknown // Thursday 18 October 2012

Lisa, a fabulous fellow mummy-blogger at Motherhood or Madness, sent me the Meme 5 Random Facts About Yourself.

The idea of the Meme is that you have to

  1. Post 5 random facts about yourself
  2. Choose 5 other deserving blogs with less than 200 subscribers to nominate and link their blogs in your post - but no tag backs to whoever nominated you
  3. Tell your nominees you have chosen them for this award by leaving a comment on their blogs and if you like on Twitter

So here goes ... at 7am these are the most wierd and wonderful random facts I can come up with about myself ...

  • Before littl'un was born I had a pierced belly button
  • I used to live in Bangkok
  • I was once stuck in Budapest with nothing but a wet towel & bathing costume, an old copy of the Times and a banana
  • I have a "secret" obsession with family history and blog on it at We Came From
  • Novelist D.H.Lawrence is my 3rd cousin 3 times removed
... and the 5 brilliant bloggers I am tagging in turn are ...