Christmas Planner

Unknown // Friday 27 September 2013

Christmas planning in September?

Nooooo ... my mother screams at me!

She is a firm believer in not doing anything ... except puddings, cake & mincemeat ... until December and won't let a single decoration up until Christmas Eve!

But she is just better at it all than me.

She can whip up Christmas cakes in her sleep & do pretty wintery things with twigs and a few baubles with her hands tied behind her back.

She has everyone's address in the same little book she had when I was five and knows exactly what she bought everyone for the last 10 years.

She comes up to London for the day and goes home effortlessly, laden with lovely stuff.

I got my Dad's genes when it comes to Christmas crafts & cooking ... particularly the pretty twig thing! ... so my only way of getting through Christmas is to be uber-organised.

I must have a plan! And I must start early so I can do a little bit each week.

This is the week-by-week, sanity-saving Christmas planner I have developed over the years - it's broken down into manageable chunks and stops me from worrying about everything at once & doing nothing.

You can also download the Christmas Planner in printable form here.

I hope it helps ... if you're looking for more tips & inspiration do check out all the brilliant Christmas links from other bloggers at the bottom of this post ... and feel free to add your own ...

And do come back next when I will be sharing more Christmas planning tips & printables.

Christmas Planner Week by Week



  • Agree who going where & when
  • Define a budget
  • Write a check-list & plan
  • Review Christmas decorations

  • Plan what you are going to eat
  • Write a bakery & grocery list
  • Work out what to buy early for freezer
  • Write a craft plan for decorations

  • Start present list
  • Start stocking filler list
  • Write your own wish list
  • Book travel tickets

  • Book online food deliveries
  • Order any scarce presents
  • Clear out cupboards & freezer
  • Start looking for offers on grocery list



  • Buy Christmas stamps
  • Book panto & Christmas shows
  • Book Santa Claus visit

  • Write card list
  • Update addresses
  • Buy / make cards

  • Make cards
  • Write cards
  • Write round robin

  • Make cake, pudding & mincemeat
  • Order presents on-line
  • Take family photo



  • Post cards
  • Order meat & fish
  • Check Christmas lights
  • Child-free Christmas shopping!

  • Buy / forage tree & greenery
  • Decorate
  • Wrap presents to post
  • Last post for international mail

  • Last post for cards & parcels
  • Clear out cupboards & freezer (again)
  • Buy final non-perishable food
  • Wrap presents

  • Buy / collect perishable food
  • Buy / pick flowers
  • Final baking
  • Final decorations

If you found this helpful do follow my Christmas 2013 board on Pinterest ...

More Christmas Inspiration