Friday Baby Shower #28

Unknown // Thursday 5 September 2013

Welcome to the Friday Baby Shower - the pregnancy & new baby blog party.

There are so many amazing milestones in the first two years ... smiling, rolling over, sucking thumb, first food, first tooth but I think the absolute biggest have to be crawling & walking ...

It's the first step towards independence, to seeing something out of reach and getting it without help ... and oh boy then the fun starts!

So this week I'm inviting you to join up all your posts on crawling & walking whether a celebration of hitting the milestone, worrying whether it will ever come, tips & advice, product reviews for walkers or anything else that you think fits the theme.

And as always you can link all your latest bump & baby posts ...

Featured Faves 

Thank you so much to everyone who shared at last week's party.

Mum to Mom and Team Bowen really got me thinking with thought provoking posts

  • on the different challenges of being a SAHM and a working mum  ... being a SAHM is not necessarily the easy option ...
  • and on whether the vaccine schedule for babies is unnecessarily aggressive

    Little Hearts shared a great list of tips for introducing siblings to new babies.

    And Haven Hill introduced us to her beautiful new son Gabriel Finn ...

    Mum to Mom ... just as hard being a SAHM as a working mum

    Little Hearts - tips for introducing siblings to new babies

    Haven Hill ... introducing her beautiful new son


    I would love it if you linked up with either my button or a text link to the Friday Baby Shower ...


    Friday Baby Shower

    Walking & Crawling

    If you've missed previous themes you can still link up at the Mommy Archive ...