Friday Baby Shower #31

Unknown // Thursday 26 September 2013

Welcome to the Friday Baby Shower - the pregnancy & new baby blog party.

Sadly ... sort of ... this will be the last of the weekly Friday Baby Shower parties.

I started the party to provide a space for pregnancy and baby bloggers to meet up and increase the audience for their posts.

I also wanted to build a resource of great baby blog results for non-blogging mums.

We've done an amazing job at doing all these!  You have all been truly incredible!

But now it's time shake it all up a bit ...

One Big Party!

So from next week ... you can link up your baby posts at Empty Your Archive ...

That means more readers for you & you'll only have to go to 1 of my parties each week :-)

The party starts at 5pm EST / 10pm GMT every Wednesday.

More Posts, More Clicks!

My stats show mums love posts with lots of relevant links in them.

My recent potty training post, for example, has been flying and sent some of you lucky party goers lots and lots of lovely click-thrus! Like, lots, lots more than I get from big, big parties!

So I will use my time to write more posts sharing your links so I can send you more readers.

AND Now You Get a Slice of the Action!

Like I say, mums really stick around on posts with relevant links.

They check out lots of links and add their own. AND ... very importantly ... they pin the posts!

All that means more new readers spending more time on Mums Make Lists :-)

But ... get this! ... being the generous soul I am, I am opening up the Mommy Archive so that you can include relevant link-ups on your posts! How cool is that?

I'm trialling it first but if you'd like to be considered as a link up partner drop me an e-mail.

Going Out With a Bang!

Now ... rather than one sad final link up ... let's get in the spirit and Empty Our Archives into the hot topics in the Mommy Archive that deliver you click-thrus week after week ...

If you haven't already do link up your birth stories, breastfeeding, potty training, solids & pregnancy health posts in the link ups below.

One Final Feature

I will miss our own special little party.

And one thing I really regret is I won't get to feature Urban Times in Michigan's birth announcement.  Kelly was just pregnant ... after two miscarriages ... when the party started and I have loved following her posts the last 8 months.

So this is a shout out for Eleanor Rose ... who's due any day ...

Keep in Touch With Each Other

If you want to keep in touch with all the bump & baby bloggers who have shared at the Friday Baby Shower check out my bump & baby directory.

And follow my list of bump & baby bloggers on Twitter.

Thanks so much to you all and see you Wednesday at Empty Your Archive.


Link Up! Link Up! Link Up!

Potty Training

Birth Stories


Pregnancy Health

Introducing Solids

And these are all the other themes in the Mommy Archive that we have linked up on this year ... If you've missed previous themes you can still link up at the 

Baby Announcements
Baby Showers
Green Baby
Health - Baby
Maternity Style
Post Natal Depression
Rhythm & Rhyme