30 Top Housework Tips All Moms Need

Unknown // Wednesday 10 July 2013

Oh my, oh my how do such little people ... aka your children ... generate so much housework?

If it's not the obstacle course of toys strewn across the sitting room floor ...

... it's the piles and piles of paint ... and worse ... stained clothes that are so blinking fiddly to hang on the line ...

... or the trail of sand, mud and who knows what that comes in on their shoes ...

... the carnage in the bathroom ...

... the indescribable mess of potty training ...

... the school bags that must be got ready ...

Now I have by no means mastered the art of keeping a completely spotless house at all times ... I'm not totally sure I want to ... but I have found a load of really simple, really quick, really easy cleaning tips that do stop our house from descending into complete chaos on a daily basis.

30 Top Housework Tips
  1. Run the dishwasher after supper, empty it first thing, fill it as you go ... 
  2. Never let towels out of bathroom - they will be left in a soggy heap 
  3. Bathrooms get mucky after a few days so a big weekly clean a waste of time
  4. Quickly wipe round bathroom basin, top of bath, loo every other day 
  5. Keep cleaning stuff in each bathroom / cloakroom
  6. Keep bin bags upstairs so can easily empty bins without bringing down
  7. Enforce ALL dirty clothes in laundry basket before bed time stories rule
  8. Hang up clothes that could be worn again ... cuts down laundry 
  9. Have a laundry routine and stick to it ... 
  10. Be absolutely brutal about ironing - work & best clothes only 
  11. Hang everything up as soon as it's dry ... iron when it's needed
  12. Make it fun ... but enforce 2 minute "tidy up time" of toys every day
  13. Have a large basket into which stuff to go upstairs can be stashed throughout the week
  14. Empty the basket & put things back where they belong once a week
  15. Making the beds only takes a minute & it will make you feel more in control ...
  16. Get everyone to take shoes off when they come in house
  17. Start a basic housework routine ... that actually works for you ... 
  18. 15-30 mins housework daily more effective than a big blast
  19. Clean against a hard deadline e.g. school run ... you'll be much more efficient
  20. Start cleaning from bottom of house ... this is the bit visitors see
  21. Stock up on baking soda & white vinegar ... there's not much they can't clean 
  22. Get a telescopic real feather duster ... it will dust a room top to bottom in no time
  23. Run baking soda & vinegar through your dish washer every 6 months 
  24. Run vinegar through the washing machine every 6 months to keep it fresh
  25. Give children a spray bottle of water & a cloth so they can "help"
  26. Get a "spring" cleaning check-list & do one thing off it every week
  27. Even if just a few baskets & a pin board have a "command centre" for post & notices
  28. Always cook double quantities ... and freeze one ... 
  29. However short you are on time do something ... 5 mins daily better than nothing
  30. If you're stuck ... ask a mommy blogger ... they'll always have the answer - 

If this post was helpful follow my housework board on Pinterest ...

... and check out all these fabulous housework posts from other bloggers ...

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