Friday Baby Shower #22

Unknown // Thursday 25 July 2013

Welcome to the Friday Baby Shower - the party for pregnancy & new baby blog posts.

You can link up all your latest pregnancy & new baby posts PLUS your posts old and new on the theme of baby announcements ... when & how did you announce your pregnancy and your baby's birth to your friends and family and on your blog ...

PLUS you can link up royal baby posts in the ongoing Kate Karnival ...

Featured Faves 

My big faves from last week were ... 
Plus a whole series of heartfelt posts from Urban Times in Michigan on trying to conceive.

Thank you so much to everyone who shared ...

Can You Help Another Mum ...?

I was one of those mums who found pregnancy hard ... my personal experiences of among other things IVF, miscarriage, polyhydramnios, induction and c-section were my motivation for starting both my blog and the Friday Baby Shower.

I wanted to provide a place where mums could easily find personal stories and hard-won, real-world advice from other mums who'd been through similar experiences.

Theme by theme each week at the Friday Baby Shower we're building an amazing resource of great easy to access posts for other mums ... if you've missed any of the themes do pop over to the Mommy Archive and link up all your great old posts that could help another mum.

To take this one step further I am also opening up my Mommy Lists so you can both add tips to the lists and create lists on topics you think need to be covered ...

... so if you've got some hard won expertise on a particular topic and would like to guest edit a Mommy List do get in touch ...

Now we better get on with this week's party ...


Friday Baby Shower

Empty Your Archive - Baby Announcements ...

Kate Karnival ...