Empty Your Archive - #15

Unknown // Tuesday 16 July 2013

Welcome to Empty Your Archive ... the party that gets old posts new readers!

I am so excited because this week we hit 100!

Yep ... by the end of the party we will have linked up great old posts on 100 topics!

Wow! Can you believe that?

Thank you for building the mommy archive into such a fab resource for other moms!

My Big Faves ...

It's so hard to pick out just a few posts each week but these caught my eye last week ...

... plus I'm working on a picture frame gallery at the moment so just had to include these three posts on making your own frames and hanging them ....

There were so many fab insect related posts that I couldn't pick out just a few ... but I am hard at work on an insect round-up in which I can feature lots of your lovely posts ...

    This Week's Themes

    Our themes this week are ....  
    • Command Centres - whether it's a few folders or a whole wall of the kitchen complete with chalk boards and tech ... how do you organise yours?
    • Pastry - pies, tarts, flans, pastries ... all & everything made with pastry
    • Teenagers - you've made it through the early years but how on earth do you get them through their teens? All your tips and advice please ....
    • Building & Construction - fun with bricks, lego, mecano, duplo, plus all your ideas for home made and junk construction toys inside and outside the house ...  
    • Fonts - all your fave fonts for your blog and your pinnable images ...
    • Curtains, Drapes & Blinds - all posts on making curtains, drapes & blinds from the unbelievably simple no-sew to the mind bogglingly complicated :-)
    • Home Made Beauty Recipes - face masks, conditioner, foot soaks, massage oils etc ... all your favourite home made made beauty recipes
    • Summer Holiday Activities all your ideas & round-ups for keeping the kids entertained throughout the summer vacation
    If you don't have a post on any of the week's topics, do pop into the Mommy Archive and link up on any of the 100+ topics there ... I share relevant Mommy Archive links in my posts so they get lots of exposure and I also do regular round-ups.

    If you really want to party + can't find a topic for your posts you can link up in the Lucky Dip section at  the bottom of each party ....

    Come Tweet With Me ...

    I do live twittering on ... if you're not following me already on Twitter, I would love it if you would ... and I will follow back ...

    Now let's get on with the party!

    Command Centres

    Home Made Beauty Recipes

    Lucky Dip

    Summer Holiday Activities