Friday Baby Shower 19

Unknown // Thursday 4 July 2013

Welcome to the Friday Baby Shower - the party for bumps & babies.

I can't wait to see your latest news PLUS your posts old and new on the theme of encouraging your little one to sleep and actually getting some yourself ...

Having tipped water on my laptop ... aargh! ... I'm tapping this out on an ancient borrowed mac and I wish I wasn't but I am such a Windows girl so bear with me if things look a bit odd :-)

Last Party Faves 

My big faves from the last party were ... 

Thank you so much to everyone who shared ...

For more wonderful pregnancy & baby posts check out the Mommy Archive.

Advice for Kate

With her baby due any day I thought Kate Middleton might appreciate some advice :)

As a world weary mum of a 3 year old these were my tips.

If you fancy writing your own "My advice to Kate ..." post over the next 3 weeks I will link them all up to my post in a Kate Karnival ... 


Do spread the love and and PIN all your fave posts ...

... and I would love it if you would follow me on Pinterest ...

Follow Me on Pinterest

Now let's party ...


Friday Baby Shower

Empty Your Archive - Sleep ...