Friday Baby Shower #21

Unknown // Thursday 18 July 2013

Welcome to the Friday Baby Shower - the bump & baby party.

You can link up all your latest pregnancy and baby posts PLUS your posts old and new on the theme of trying to conceive whether it was something that came easily or took time and in the end help ...

PLUS you can link up royal baby posts in the ongoing Kate Karnival ...

Featured Faves 

My big faves from last week were ... 
  • An amazing & inspiring post from Spit and Sparkles on surviving ovarian cancer before the birth of her twins who were preemies but are now a healthy 9 months ...
  • A fabulously honest post from Really Rachel about those unavoidable calls of nature that do happen during labour ...!
  • Completely fab baby block cookies from Lets Pour Tea
  • A lovely post from That Girl With Sparkly Heels on what it means to be a mommy as she juggles an active toddler and the wonderful miracle that is her daughter Charlotte
  • And finally some fab advice from Tea Lady Mumbles for Kate Middleton whose much anticipated baby has still not appeared ...

Thank you so much to everyone who shared ...

For more wonderful pregnancy & baby posts check out the Mommy Archive.

Come Tweet With Me ...

I do love twittering on ... if you're not following me already on Twitter, I would love it if you would ... and I will follow back ...

Now let's party ...


Friday Baby Shower

Empty Your Archive - Trying to Conceive ...

Kate Karnival ...