Empty Your Archive #16

Unknown // Tuesday 23 July 2013

It's time to Empty Your Archive and get your old posts some new readers!

This week's themes are ...

  • Covers - upholstery, loose covers & throws ... all your tutorials and tips on making, repairing and cleaning them plus your great finds and makeovers ...
  • Party Food - all kinds of party food from cakes to canapes ...
  • Back to School - how do you prepare your kids for returning to school? Check-lists and tips plus stories challenging or funny all very welcome
  • Kids Glue & Sticking Crafts - glue & sticking crafts of all sorts for kids ...  
  • Blog Roll - something completely different this week, a chance to spread some bloggy love by linking up your absolute fave blog of the moment ...
  • Beautiful Hair - your fave styles and tips and tutorials for beautiful hair - feel free on this one to link to any dedicated Pinterest boards on the subject
  • Summer Holiday Activities all your ideas & round-ups for keeping the kids entertained throughout the summer vacation

Remember there's a separate link up for each theme!

Can you believe someone snuck in a Christmas post at last week's party? It's July!

But it got me thinking & I decided would actually be great to open up links for all the big celebrations. That way you can link-up whenever it takes your fancy & I can share round-ups of your posts well in advance of the celebrations and get you the most exposure I can.

So in addition to this week's theme's you can also start linking up posts on HalloweenThanksgivingChristmasValentines and Easter ...

And if you really want to party + can't find a topic for your posts in the Mommy Archive you can link up in the Lucky Dip section at  the bottom of each party ....

My Big Faves ...

It's always so hard to pick just a few faves but I loved these last week ...

... and do check out the latest round-up on chalkboard ideas for kids to see if you were featured ...

    Now let's Empty Our Archives and party!


    Party Food

    Back to School

    Kids Glue & Sticking Crafts

    Beautiful Hair




    Lent & Easter


    Lucky Dip

    Summer Holiday Activities