Friday Baby Shower #20

Unknown // Thursday 11 July 2013

Welcome to the Friday Baby Shower - the bump & baby party.

You can link up all your latest pregnancy and baby posts PLUS your posts old and new on the theme of baby showers whether your own or one you've organised ...

PLUS this week you can link up any royal baby related posts in the Kate Karnival ...

Featured Faves 

My first feature this week just had to be Betsy from Romance On A Dime ... party regulars will know she's been expecting and preparing for a girl. So imagine her surprise when her son ... Ain Levi ... appeared.

Do check out how she's quickly and wonderfully made over the nursery and also her lovely Take It On Tuesday link up party ...

My other big faves from last week were ... 
Thank you so much to everyone who shared ...

For more wonderful pregnancy & baby posts check out the Mommy Archive.

Get Googling!

Google +1s are a great way to show your appreciation for other people's posts - they not only get exposure on Google+ but also improve search rankings in Google ... do +1 your faves ...

... and I would love it if you would follow me on Google+ ... I will follow back ...

Now let's party ...


Friday Baby Shower

Empty Your Archive - Baby Showers ...

Kate Karnival ...