Party games for under 5s ...

Unknown // Wednesday 14 November 2012

Littl'un's birthday is right after Christmas - mine is right before - so I'm trying to get her party all planned before I'm too busy to think.  I reckon I've worked out everything I need to worry about so now I'm trying to come up with games to play.

I know lots of people just put out toys for 3rd birthdays - and we've been to some really fun parties like this - but littl'un always seem to have great fun playing games at nursery and personally I love them! (Over competitive? Me? Never?)

I am trying to come up with a mega list to pick from.  This is what I've got so far.  What am I missing?  What are your personal faves?  Are there any that you would definitely avoid?

  • Duck, duck, goose!
  • What's the time Mr Wolf?
  • Honey bear
  • Musical bumps
  • Pin the tail on the donkey / Peppa / Gruffalo etc
  • Bottom shuffle race - for little ones or mummies
  • Crawling race - for little ones or mummies
  • Musical statues
  • Hokey cokey
  • Hot potato
  • Sly fox - nicked from an episode of Peppa Pig
  • Hot potato - pretend a foil covered spud is hot & pass round, whoever has when music stops is out
  • Chocolate egg and spoon race
  • Fishing for parcels with metal sellotaped on presents & a magnet on a stick & string
  • Pass the balloon - when music stops person gets a prize
  • Musical cushions
  • Walking the plank - prize for getting to the end
  • Simon says
  • Pinatas
  • Hide & seek
  • Tag / catch
  • Sleeping lions - lying on the floor, if you move you're out
  • Polo on a string - pass polo round on a string person in middle has to guess who has it
  • Fox & hen bean bags - start with bean bags at opposite ends, fox has to catch hen
  • Musical march / roulette - walk around on pieces of paper with numbers on it until music stops, and a number is pulled out of the basket, whoever is on that number wins a prize
  • Wrap the mummy - with loo paper
  • Stuck in the mud - have to stay still when tagged until someone untags you
  • Blind man's bluff
  • Port and starboard

Am also thinking of some group songs - although, lord only knows why as I am truly the world's worst singer.  But anyway, can you think of any suggestions in addition to these that everyone knows?
  • Head and shoulders
  • London bridge
  • Oranges and lemons
  • Sleeping bunnies
  • The farmer wants a wife
  • Five in the bed
  • Old Macdonald
  • I'm a little teapot
  • Baa baa black sheep
  • Twinkle twinkle little star
  • Ring of roses
  • Farmers in the dell