Toddler sickness and the twitterverse ...

Unknown // Monday 19 November 2012

Copyright Kelly Long 2005 - Creative Commons

As some of you will know my daughter was sick last week.

We've been quite lucky until now with only one previous bout of proper pewking since she was a baby.

Last time,  it was in the middle of Broadstairs station - just before the train arrived! yuk! - after a lovely long sunny day by the sea.

I am not sure what caused it this time - possibly related to her frequent constipation - but boy was she sick!

For 24 hours she couldn't keep anything down.  I hadn't a clue what might stay down long enough to prevent dehydration.  And in between changing yet another load of bedding, I didn't have time to root through hundreds of different sites for answers.

So I took to Twitter.  And it was one of those times when the Twitterverse just excelled itself with other mums coming to the instant rescue with this list of great tips ...

Tips for Hydrating Sick Kids

  1. Salty crisps - Amazing! Got littl'un + mum through the day
  2. Full sugar flat cola - stir to make flat 
  3. Full sugar flat lemonade
  4. Cola or lemonade lollies
  5. Rehydration sachets e.g Diarolyte - my daughter hated it but others swear by
  6. Freeeze rehydration sachets as ice cubes or lollies
  7. Small sweet lollies
  8. Digestive biscuits - not right away but once had kept crisps down
  9. Water through a straw - my daughter could keep down little sips from a straw 
  10. Avoid dairy
A massive thank you to Vicki NKarenSue TJulieKaren KellySpargoADancing in the Rain and Attempting Ordinary who came up with these suggestions.

I would love to hear what works for you - come and tell me on Twitter and I'll link up your ideas to the list ..

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Please note this post is in no way in lieu of medical advice.